Proxy was a series-B startup building technology that made our built environment magical, from doors automatically unlocking as you approach to a room's temperature customizing to your preferences when you enter. Proxy tech combined advanced sensing, environmental control hardware (door locks, etc.), and a suite of software that powered Proxy's domain awareness system. In spring 2023, Proxy was acquired by Oura.
I joined Proxy as the third member of the design team and the second “digital product” designer (the other was an industrial designer responsible for our hardware products. During my time at Proxy, I partnered closely with the CEO and with Ian Jaye, my partner in product design crime, to redesign our suite of apps and explore new R&D initiatives. I also partnered with Mike Bienhoff, Carolyn Feinstein, and the creative team at Huge (a leading design agency), to help execute a full rebrand of the company.